I don't have a compost bin! What do I do?
Mar 09, 2020
One of the questions we get asked most is about what to do when you don’t own a compost bin! Sure, home compostables are fantastic - but without a home composter, what are you supposed to do? Fortunately, composting is on the rise and there are several awesome options for you:
1. Ask a friend or family member
Nothing builds community more than shared values - ask your close friends and family members (especially those nearby!) if they have a compost bin you can borrow. Or - perhaps consider going in on one together. More composting and more time spent together is never a bad thing.
2. Check with your council
Many councils now offer industrial composting. Some council ‘green bins’ are industrially composted, while others are strictly for garden waste. Give your council a quick call and check what their facilities are. They may tell you it’s as easy as putting it into your garden waste bin. If not, they may have other options available. Each council is different so we recommend giving them a quick call to see what they offer.
Here is an example of a council in Sydney: Inner West Composting
3. Use an online Composter finder like sharewaste.com or BioCycle (by Terracycle)
There are now several sites like this (just give it a google!) which are basically the ‘uber’ of composting. You can keep a big composting tub and when it’s full, drop it off to someone who wants your scraps - one mans trash is another’s treasure and this puts your scraps to good use, rather than to landfill!
(image: Flora and Fauna)
4. Join or ask a community garden!
Community gardens exist in almost every town and city. Almost every community garden has its own compost heap as well - so you can either join your local community garden, or ask if they mind if you ‘donate’ your compost scraps. You might find they love it because it means more compost for their members! Joining a community garden is a lovely way to connect with like minded eco folk as well - and don’t forget swapping produce!
5. Ask your local childcare or school!
This is a great option especially if you have kids at these facilities. Many schools or childcare facilities now have their own composting and it’s always worth asking if they mind if you add your scraps - especially if they’re using the compost on their gardens - the more the merrier!
6. None of the above?
As a last case scenario, if you can’t compost your satchels, we recommend either simply burying them, or - reuse them, using them as a small bin liner or for picking up dog poo.